Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

sledding with Mario (mom pulled)
Pedro helped get my sled up the hill :)
running to jump on the sled

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I built this fort today, it is fun inside and has a big room that me and Mario played in and I tried to have a nap in there but Mario wouldn't let me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

I took my picture with my braids in Mexico...I got them by a restaurant. There were two ladies, one did each side. I played at the beach, it was fun. Its good fun to play at the beach.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have a loose tooth. My teacher wants me to have my teeth out because Sophia is standing up there by herself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

One of my pictures is like a little strip and it has "Future Leader or Total Rock Star!" on it. I could have spelled it - mom don't forget THAT (points to the exclamation point on the little strip).

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eva's update for October 8th, 2008

We went to the salmon hatchery today and did lots of games on the little boards. And the nanny saw salmon as big as me! The science room was closed and Mario had a fit and wasn't being that good and kept walking away. It was fun and when I had to go potty we went back to the library. Then, we went to the park for lunch and I played on lots of things; the slides, the spider web, even the bar. And Mario didn't play on any of the toys. He just sat and drank his milk.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School is fun

Eva has reports every day of the computer lab, math, art, cooking, library. They get to start bringing books home from the library for reading practice next. VERY exciting. Eva is also excited to be part of a photo with her brother (and fam) on Wednesday. We're meeting a photographer to do a family shot for a Donate Life awareness brochure and web-site. Eva loves to get dressed up and have her hair done :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day Report

"We did math, it was the kind of math where you use blocks and stack them and we have strips that we used to measure the towers. I met the girl, the kid of the mom that you met, one of the boys is named Daniel, there is a girl named Emily that lives here too. Hmmm....what else did I do? (thinking noises) We went to the library at the school and read two books, I mean three books. I used ink and glued paper hearts to make a picture. My folder, its actually something that has a binder to hold stuff has little holders. Isn't that enough Mom?"

yes, a very full day :)

Ready for school

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow!

Eva got to meet her new teacher yesterday (Dr. Denise Winkler - the kids call her DW). Her mom spent another hour today at "orientation" and met 3 other mom's from Preston that have kindergarden kids in Eva's class. 2 boys and another girl that live in Preston - a few miles from Eva's house. She has her first bus ride on Thursday - the first day of school. Her neighbor Rob is a bus driver and will be doing her pick-up. Eva is very excited because her mom told her that the teacher said there would be a math lesson on the first day. Eva is good at Math. They will also have reading homework daily and get to bring books home. This is neat too because Eva loves books.

Monday, August 18, 2008

School Bus Round Up

Eva got to do "school bus round up" hand in hand with her "fiance" Connor. He will not go to the same school but happened to be at the same day of "round up" so they could discuss their future...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eva took a jeep ride with Zach at a BBQ this weekend...

Birthday Photos

Eva had a giant water slide, slip and slide and a pinata at her birthday party.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Isabel's birthday

On the 17th we went to Cucina Cucina with my friend Hannah and her family for Isabel's birthday. Here's me with Hannah and dad is holding my brother, Mario, in the photo too.

Zoo Tunes

We went to Zoo tunes on the day of my birthday. Here I am with my cousin eating cupcakes...check out my brother's blog and you'll see a picture of him with his cupcake.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


5 years old today! WOWEva is very excited for her party on Saturday. There will be a blow up slip and slide and water slide as well as her pool. It should be really fun and we'll be sure to post photos.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Eva Graduates from PRE-K

The Bright Horizon's, Learning Garden where Eva attended from 2004 through the end of 2007 invited her for a special graduation. Here are some photos from the event.

Eva's new Blog

We've had so much fun with Mario's blog (now that we have FUN news to report) I thought it would be neat to do one for Eva. She is getting old enough now that she can actually get on the internet and play games on sites like PBS kids (dragontales is a favorite) and look at her brother's blog. She'll be starting Kindergarten in September. So, my 5th birthday present to her is this new forum to share her adventures with her family and friends.Here's a photo of Eva when she was little, one of MY favorites with "crazy hair". And one of my all time favorites, Eva and Israel matching feet.